X.509 Verification

Support for X.509 certificate verification, also known as path validation or chain building.


While usable, these APIs should be considered unstable and not yet subject to our backwards compatibility policy.

Example usage, with certifi providing the root of trust:

>>> from cryptography.x509 import Certificate, DNSName, load_pem_x509_certificates
>>> from cryptography.x509.verification import PolicyBuilder, Store
>>> import certifi
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> with open(certifi.where(), "rb") as pems:
...    store = Store(load_pem_x509_certificates(pems.read()))
>>> builder = PolicyBuilder().store(store)
>>> # See the documentation on `time` below for more details. If
>>> # significant time passes between creating a verifier and performing a
>>> # verification, you may encounter issues with certificate expiration.
>>> builder = builder.time(verification_time)
>>> verifier = builder.build_server_verifier(DNSName("cryptography.io"))
>>> # NOTE: peer and untrusted_intermediates are Certificate and
>>> #       list[Certificate] respectively, and should be loaded from the
>>> #       application context that needs them verified, such as a
>>> #       TLS socket.
>>> chain = verifier.verify(peer, untrusted_intermediates)
class cryptography.x509.verification.Store(certs)

Added in version 42.0.0.

A Store is an opaque set of public keys and subject identifiers that are considered trusted a priori. Stores are typically created from the host OS’s root of trust, from a well-known source such as a browser CA bundle, or from a small set of manually pre-trusted entities.


certs – A list of one or more cryptography.x509.Certificate instances.

class cryptography.x509.verification.Subject

Added in version 42.0.0.

Type alias: A union of all subject types supported: cryptography.x509.general_name.DNSName, cryptography.x509.general_name.IPAddress.

class cryptography.x509.verification.VerifiedClient

Added in version 43.0.0.

Changed in version 45.0.0: Made subjects optional with the addition of custom extension policies.


list of GeneralName or None

The subjects presented in the verified client’s Subject Alternative Name extension or None if the extension is not present.


A list of Certificate, in leaf-first order

The chain of certificates that forms the valid chain to the client certificate.

class cryptography.x509.verification.ClientVerifier

Added in version 43.0.0.

Changed in version 45.0.0: verification_time and max_chain_depth were deprecated and will be removed in version 46.0.0. The new policy property should be used to access these values instead.

A ClientVerifier verifies client certificates.

It contains and describes various pieces of configurable path validation logic, such as how deep prospective validation chains may go, which signature algorithms are allowed, and so forth.

ClientVerifier instances cannot be constructed directly; PolicyBuilder must be used.



The policy used by the verifier. Can be used to access verification time, maximum chain depth, etc.



The verifier’s trust store.

verify(leaf, intermediates)

Performs path validation on leaf, returning a valid path if one exists. The path is returned in leaf-first order: the first member is leaf, followed by the intermediates used (if any), followed by a member of the store.


A new instance of VerifiedClient

class cryptography.x509.verification.ServerVerifier

Added in version 42.0.0.

Changed in version 45.0.0: subject, verification_time and max_chain_depth were deprecated and will be removed in version 46.0.0. The new policy property should be used to access these values instead.

A ServerVerifier verifies server certificates.

It contains and describes various pieces of configurable path validation logic, such as which subject to expect, how deep prospective validation chains may go, which signature algorithms are allowed, and so forth.

ServerVerifier instances cannot be constructed directly; PolicyBuilder must be used.



The policy used by the verifier. Can be used to access verification time, maximum chain depth, etc.



The verifier’s trust store.

verify(leaf, intermediates)

Performs path validation on leaf, returning a valid path if one exists. The path is returned in leaf-first order: the first member is leaf, followed by the intermediates used (if any), followed by a member of the store.


A list containing a valid chain from leaf to a member of ServerVerifier.store.


VerificationError – If a valid chain cannot be constructed

class cryptography.x509.verification.VerificationError

Added in version 42.0.0.

The error raised when path validation fails.

class cryptography.x509.verification.PolicyBuilder[source]

Added in version 42.0.0.

A PolicyBuilder provides a builder-style interface for constructing a Verifier.


Sets the verifier’s verification time.

If not called explicitly, this is set to datetime.datetime.now() when build_server_verifier() or build_client_verifier() is called.


new_time – The datetime.datetime to use in the verifier


A new instance of PolicyBuilder


Sets the verifier’s trust store.


new_store – The Store to use in the verifier


A new instance of PolicyBuilder


Sets the verifier’s maximum chain building depth.

This depth behaves tracks the length of the intermediate CA chain: a maximum depth of zero means that the leaf must be directly issued by a member of the store, a depth of one means no more than one intermediate CA, and so forth. Note that self-issued intermediates don’t count against the chain depth, per RFC 5280.


new_max_chain_depth – The maximum depth to allow in the verifier


A new instance of PolicyBuilder

extension_policies(new_ee_policy, new_ca_policy)

Added in version 45.0.0.

Sets the EE and CA extension policies for the verifier. The default policies used are those returned by ExtensionPolicy.webpki_defaults_ee() and ExtensionPolicy.webpki_defaults_ca().


If the PolicyBuilder will be used to build a ServerVerifier, the EE extension policy must require the SubjectAlternativeName extension to be present.


A new instance of PolicyBuilder


Builds a verifier for verifying server certificates.


subject – A Subject to use in the verifier


An instance of ServerVerifier


Added in version 43.0.0.

Builds a verifier for verifying client certificates.


This API is not suitable for website (i.e. server) certificate verification. You must use build_server_verifier() for server verification.


An instance of ClientVerifier

class cryptography.x509.verification.ExtensionPolicy[source]

Added in version 45.0.0.

ExtensionPolicy provides a set of static methods to construct predefined extension policies, and a builder-style interface for modifying them.


Calling any of the builder methods (require_not_present(), may_be_present(), or require_present()) multiple times with the same extension type will raise an exception.


Currently only the following extension types are supported in the ExtensionPolicy API: AuthorityInformationAccess, AuthorityKeyIdentifier, SubjectKeyIdentifier, KeyUsage, SubjectAlternativeName, BasicConstraints, NameConstraints, ExtendedKeyUsage.

static permit_all()

Creates an ExtensionPolicy that does not put any constraints on a certificate’s extensions. This can serve as a base for a fully custom extension policy.


An instance of ExtensionPolicy

static webpki_defaults_ca()

Creates an ExtensionPolicy for CA certificates, based on CA/B Forum guidelines.

This is the default CA extension policy used by PolicyBuilder.


An instance of ExtensionPolicy

static webpki_defaults_ee()

Creates an ExtensionPolicy for EE certificates, based on CA/B Forum guidelines.

This is the default EE extension policy used by PolicyBuilder.


An instance of ExtensionPolicy


Specifies that the extension identified by extension_type must not be present (must be absent).


extension_type (type[ExtensionType]) – The extension_type of the extension that must not be present.


An instance of ExtensionPolicy

may_be_present(extension_type, criticality, validator_cb)

Specifies that the extension identified by extension_type is optional. If it is present, it must conform to the given criticality constraint. An optional validator callback may be provided.

If a validator callback is provided, the callback will be invoked when ClientVerifier.verify() or ServerVerifier.verify() is called on a verifier that uses the extension policy. For details on the callback signature, see MaybeExtensionValidatorCallback.


An instance of ExtensionPolicy

require_present(extension_type, criticality, validator_cb)

Specifies that the extension identified by extension_type` must be present and conform to the given criticality constraint. An optional validator callback may be provided.

If a validator callback is provided, the callback will be invoked when ClientVerifier.verify() or ServerVerifier.verify() is called on a verifier that uses the extension policy. For details on the callback signature, see PresentExtensionValidatorCallback.

  • extension_type (type[ExtensionType]) – A concrete class derived from ExtensionType indicating which extension is required to be present.

  • criticality (Criticality) – The criticality of the extension

  • validator_cb (PresentExtensionValidatorCallback or None) – An optional Python callback to validate the extension value. Must accept extensions of type extension_type.


An instance of ExtensionPolicy

class cryptography.x509.verification.Criticality[source]

Added in version 45.0.0.

An enumeration of criticality constraints for certificate extensions.


The extension must be marked as critical.


The extension may be marked either as critical or non-critical.


The extension must not be marked as critical.

class cryptography.x509.verification.Policy[source]

Added in version 45.0.0.

Represents a policy for certificate verification. Passed to extension validator callbacks and accessible via ClientVerifier and ServerVerifier.


The maximum chain depth (as described in PolicyBuilder.max_chain_depth()).




The subject used during verification. Will be None if the verifier is a ClientVerifier.


x509.verification.Subject or None


The validation time.




The Extended Key Usage required by the policy.




The minimum RSA modulus size required by the policy.



type cryptography.x509.verification.MaybeExtensionValidatorCallback = Callable[[Policy, Certificate, ExtensionType | None], None]

Added in version 45.0.0.

A Python callback that validates an extension that may or may not be present. If the extension is not present, the callback will be invoked with ext set to None.

To fail the validation, the callback must raise an exception.

  • policy (Policy) – The verification policy.

  • certificate (Certificate) – The certificate being verified.

  • extension (ExtensionType or None) – The extension value or None if the extension is not present.


An extension validator callback must return None. If the validation fails, the validator must raise an exception.

type cryptography.x509.verification.PresentExtensionValidatorCallback = Callable[[Policy, Certificate, ExtensionType], None]

Added in version 45.0.0.

A Python callback that validates an extension that must be present.

To fail the validation, the callback must raise an exception.

  • policy (Policy) – The verification policy.

  • certificate (Certificate) – The certificate being verified.

  • extension (ExtensionType) – The extension value.


An extension validator callback must return None. If the validation fails, the validator must raise an exception.